ONE OF ThE THiRTEEN. (Number 8)
Hiding in the shadows, Joshua Kane (8), his penis erect and his mind alert, his body tense. Watches HER, as she walks around the apartment. She does not sense his eyes stalking her. She is just another teenage girl, living in shared rooms, with 3 other little sluts; they are students of art, design and fashion. Joshua Kane (8) has been watching them for some time now, and knows all their little ways, habits and rituals. But this one, stands out, she possesses a quality that the other 3 do not have. She looks like an angel, she dresses like an innocent and her voice is soft, her manner elegant. In the 5 months he has been watching these 4 girls. This particular one had no sexual relationships with any other human being. She did not spend her time the way the others did, going clubbing, drinking vast amounts of alcohol in bars or shopping for pointless products. This One liked to attend church, help old people, volunteer at her local charity shop and pray to her God, 3 times a day. This one he knew, he sensed, was still a virgin. She was someone that Joshua Kane (8) felt the need to possess, he longed to feel her body in his arms. His eyes pierce through her flesh …… and then there they are, dull at first but increasing in volume. Little whispers that weave their sadistic intents within his head. He was one of the thirteen and he heard them, clearly. And knew what he had to do. Sometimes he wants to scream as the voices in his head become too loud, too unbearable, too much, so many voices ALL wanting him to do something awful and painful to this god loving girl. Joshua Kane (8) drops down to his knees, tears of crystallized drug abuse rapidly descending. Darkness grips his soul, the thirteen in his head guide him towards her ...... combining the murkiness into one. She carries on strutting around the apartment, cleaning tidying and humming a hymn. He watches her, his face twisted in pain, his eyes large and filled with a lust that wasn’t human and an erection that would carve her innocent vagina into a bleeding mass of fleshy pulp. She flicks her long, blond hair over one shoulder as she’s walking towards her car, unaware of the horrors of that awaits her. In the backseat Joshua Kane (8) hides, lost in a blackened cage that keeps him from her as she slides in behind the steering wheel. She is about to start the car and then decides to turn on the CD player; he listens to her sing along with the choral choir and wonders how she will sound when she has no tongue. The thirteen fill his mind. "Attack her now. Grab the fucking stupid little bint, we want to torture her, punish her for being such a good little girl. We want to hurt her and make her bleed ...c’mon. Force her to her house, lets have some catholic fun tonight." The blade glistens in dull lamplight, a simple mask hiding his face. Swiftly, his black gloved hand clamps tightly over her mouth, pulling back her head. His body shakes as he imagines slicing her jugular--drinking her pulsing life force. He slowly places the blade against the soft flesh of her throat, savouring the moment--her fear. He is in control, one slice could mean her death and he smiles at the thought. She is thrown into spasms as she writhes against a murky force, her body close to his. HE wants so much to slice her open now, to bathe inside her warm carcass but now is not the time nor place. "Do what you must..." the voices urge. "Take her ,fuck her, torture her, kill her...kill … her..."Tears fall from her frightened eyes as he slides the blade harder across her throat, causing her muffled cries to cease, a whimper simpers from her beautiful mouth."Invite me to your house as if I am a close friend...." he whispers in her ear. "I will not hurt you, this knife is just a friendly reminder, do what I say and no harm shall come to you."Slowly, Joshua Kane (8) and the girl get out of the car, onto a shadowed road with nothing but the trees to bare witness to this brutal, ghastly crime. The trees arch and twist, skeleton like in appearance over the road, reaching for them and hungering for blood. Tips of branches scratch the air as the wind increases slightly, and Joshua Kane (8) leads her back to the apartment."This is it, the moment you've been waiting for. Make us proud, take your knife and make her pay!" the voices sneer. "You're family was never proud of you but WE ARE! Mutilate away your pain, we will help guide you, be there for you, take care of you." Joshua Kane (8) shakes his head, the throbbing on the front of his forehead clearly visible."Hurry up Amanda”. He says to her. As she starts weep more loudly, he violently grabs her arm to keep her from running, threatening her with the knife to show he is in control.” I know everything about you my little virgin.” He sneers at her. The cold night air nips at their skin; both shiver, with the cold and one with fear and one with excitement and anticipation. The voices wind themselves around his darkened thoughts; madness suffocating all that was ever left of a sane Joshua Kane (8). She fumbles with her keys, her breathing heavy. He can smell the fear, wanting so much to lick the sweat off her skin, to take his blade and purify her of her sins, to help her meet God and he hisses to her. “Oh Amanda, do you want to be saved?”
He feels his erection throbbing and he knows that he must set this innocent angel free of her bondage and bleed out all her charming perfections. As the door opens, they make their way to her bedroom where he forces her down on to her front. "Bind her, gag her, skin that filthy whore...,” the voices scream. "Butcher and bleed her dry, cut her cunt up, stab her asshole with the knife, chop her up, chop her up!" He can hear her muffled sobs as she tries so hard to keep Joshua Kane from ripping off her clothes, but he is one of the thirteen and is unstoppable, her clothes rip easily, exposing her flesh and her firm round buttocks. He cuts her knickers and rips them off, bringing them up to his face, so he can smell her scent. He opens up a bag he had brought with him, she whimpers and she prays to God, how powerful this makes him feel. He cannot wait to break her virgin flesh in, with his battery-operated screwdriver and multi headed drill. He pushes her face deep into the pillow and starts to finger fuck her little arsehole she struggles, but he is forceful and cruel, he can hear her muffled cries and he becomes more excited. Sitting on her, watching his fingers, first one, then, two, then three, and finally his fist, his whole fist, going in and out of her arse, fist fucking her as hard as he can, her muffled cries and sobs, just make him go harder and his erect penis swells hard and glorious. His fist fucking starts to slow as with his free hand, he takes from his pocket a large handled screwdriver and as his fist remains in her butt hole, the screwdriver handle is rammed hard into her vagina. He hears a sound of skin breaking. He smiles. And licks his lips as she starts to bleed and her muffled screams are louder and obviously she is in more pain. He leans down towards her head and says into her ears “where’s you almighty God now, you simpering little shit. You religious little slut, I know you thought about doing this, having me fuck you, hurt you, abuse you and make you bleed until you cannot take any more and cum all over my fist, my fingers, my cock. I know you want this. Because, Jesus doesn’t love you, but I do Amanda, I love you.”She hears the zipper of his trousers as he pulls out his cock, and as he removes his fist from her shitty little arsehole, he then rams in his hard cock. He thrusts and he thrusts, as he thrusts into her arsehole, he also thrusts in the large handled screwdriver into her dry cunt, he grabs her by her hair, pulls her head back, tightly, she gasps for air and sees her face rigid with agony and pain as he starts to then throttle her by her throat, gripping onto her neck, squeezing tightly, then tighter as he fucks her holes. Then he suddenly stops, removes himself from her, she collapses onto the bed and sobs loudly, begging him not to hurt her anymore, telling him she won’t tell anyone about this, that God would forgive him. He laughs at her, he sniffs his fingers and sucks on them and thrusts his hard cock into her mouth, stuffing it all the way down her throat, so that she chokes and gags, as he once again grips her neck tightly. he holds her hair tightly, and roughly thrusts his cock in her mouth, making her moan and her tears flow even more. He pulls out when he finally releases his sperm into the back of her throat and he grips her mouth with his hands, forcing her to swallow his spunk. She wants to spit it out, but he then brings the blade of the knife up to her face, letting the tip draw blood above her right eyelid. She swallows his liquid and then collapses to the bed, sobbing into the pillow, shaking like a fallen leaf in the wind. He watches her for a few minutes then from the bag he brings out 13 long thin pieces of barbed wire perfectly cut for this occasion. He feels his black heart thump with excitement as he approaches her again, putting both her arms above her head. Slowly, painfully, he wraps one wrist tightly in barbed wire, watching as blood begins to arch down her arm as the steel cuts in. He then secures it to the bedpost, doing the same with her legs and other wrist. Sadistic longings devours his soul, takes him over to his murkyworld as she wails in pain, her agony adding to his ever-increasing pleasure. With each pain filled scream he has felt himself become a God, be a god, her God and she will worship him. She writhes and struggles, mutilating her wrists in the process, that poor sad innocent catholic girl. She mutters to herself, still praying for God and Jesus to save her. He takes his knife and presses it against her throat."KILL, KILL, KILL...do it now, dissect her, disembowel her." Voices taunt and torment his mind, twisting through into his deep desires and bringing them to life. A sound is heard, blade cutting away the remnants of her clothing, as he cuts away at her remaining shelter; exposing every ounce of flesh on that delicate body of hers. He feels another erection and he stares at her large, plump, perfectly formed breasts.She suddenly starts to scream, startling him away from his imagination. "Cunting bitch, SHUT UP!" He growls. From the bag he takes out a pair of his own soiled pants, using it to gag her. She lies there, displayed for him, so helpless and pathetic. Her arsehole bleeding, her cunt bleeding and her eyes, broken, her face horrified and her mouth stuffed with his own piss and shit stained pants, especially done just for her. In honour of her worship to him. Because Joshua Kane (8) wants to save this girl. He wants to love this girl. He wants this girl to worship him.Gently, he strokes her face with the gleaming silver knife, softly cooing to her. A sadistic grin spreads across his face as he traces the veins in her neck, watching her shudder and flinch. He’s methodical in this procedure, as one of the thirteen; they have done this many times before. The knife travels the length of her body, from throat to pelvis, teasing it over her skin. He does not cut, only hitting nerves--causing them to twitch and twist themselves in knots as she closes her eyes in horror. Tears force themselves from shut eyelids as he runs his hand through her tangled hair, dragging the knife from ear to ear. No cuts are visible, for this is just for show, to tease her, to woo her. Her body shakes uncontrollably beneath him. Joshua Kane (8) knows that he has her respect; she knows she belongs to him now. HE can do whatever he wants with her now. He lets the blade dance and flit across her skin some more, dragging it down her smooth, soft belly once again. There are many sensitive areas along there and he watches her shudder as he starts to masturbate in front her."Dissect her, DO IT!" the thirteen shrill into his head, frantic, screaming, yelling. "KILL THE FUCKING SILLY LITTLE BITCH.""SHUT THE FUCK UP! FUCK YOU ALL, I am not like you!" He screams at the voices inside his head. Inside his mind, body and soul. The girl beneath him goes frigid with fear as he continues dragging the knife, over her body. He feels her flinch as he carefully pierces her nipples, there is silence now for him, so very silent now. He begins to carve, taking chunks of meat from her body, listening to her sobs of pain. Just like all the other murders that the thirteen have encouraged, bloodlust takes over and another killing gets out of control. Joshua Kane (8) loses himself within the blood, needing to taste her, feel its warmth liquid languish on his tongue. "Come on now, you know you want to, YOU MUST consume her! Consume her, consume her, consume her!!!" the thirteen chant as he raises the blade above his head and plunges it deep into her belly, slicing through her twitching muscles. Her screams echoes off the walls into the very inner sanctum of his mind, the mental torture chamber that is his murkyworld, his very existence and as he drags the knife down, opening up her gaping wounds. His fingers wander her body, finding their way between her legs, rubbing her blood soaked clitoris. He works the blade inside her carcass, covering himself and his surroundings in blood and dripping puss. He removes his gloves to feel her innards, slippery in his tightened grasp. Her intestines feel heavy as he pushes his way through fatty tissue to get to all her organs. Deeper now he thrusts is hands into her as he works her towards an orgasm. He lowers his face to drink her blood, and sink his teeth into her ribs He bites harder and harder, chewing his way through tissue and skin, feeling it peel off in his mouth, such a softened texture. He works his way to her breasts, violently biting and ripping her open. He gently sucks on her nipples, tasting her sweet and bitter blood from the previous knife wounds. Bestial impulse takes control and he is tearing into her, eating the fatty substance and drinking himself to a sated desire.His cock begins to grow hard once more, and hearing her heavy breathing. Realising that there is still some life left in her. He thrusts his erect cock between her legs, ignoring her whimpered cries and final pleas. He wraps his hands around her throat, squeezing harder and harder, making her eyes bulge. A gasp, struggles out of her as he pounds into her cunt like a crazed animal. Her face starts to turn a bright red as she chokes...just before she loses consciousness; He lets her go and removes the gag. She's weaker now from loss of blood, but still alive—and Joshua Kane (8) wants more. He reaches inside her once again, and plays inside her visceral. He pulls out intestines but doesn’t detach them; He wants her to see how disgusting she is. He holds them close to her face, letting the blood drip in her eyes, blinding her. Finally, He says his last goodbyes and grips his knife once again. He grabs a fistful of hair and pulls back her head, plunging the knife deep into her neck. Her blood spurts everywhere, over his face, chest and neck as arterial spray spurts forth, she's gagging and choking. He slices the blade across the centre of her throat, cutting through her windpipe and then ending at her right side. Blood bubbles from her wound, spurting above Joshua Kane’s (8) head as he opens his mouth to drink from this fountain of red. She writhes in the throes of death as He enters her cunt once again, fucking her for one last time. ”We are the voice of the fire, and we are no one, yet we are everywhere.” the voices say, fading into the distance. "You are one of us, one of the thirteen".
The ENd
Hiding in the shadows, Joshua Kane (8), his penis erect and his mind alert, his body tense. Watches HER, as she walks around the apartment. She does not sense his eyes stalking her. She is just another teenage girl, living in shared rooms, with 3 other little sluts; they are students of art, design and fashion. Joshua Kane (8) has been watching them for some time now, and knows all their little ways, habits and rituals. But this one, stands out, she possesses a quality that the other 3 do not have. She looks like an angel, she dresses like an innocent and her voice is soft, her manner elegant. In the 5 months he has been watching these 4 girls. This particular one had no sexual relationships with any other human being. She did not spend her time the way the others did, going clubbing, drinking vast amounts of alcohol in bars or shopping for pointless products. This One liked to attend church, help old people, volunteer at her local charity shop and pray to her God, 3 times a day. This one he knew, he sensed, was still a virgin. She was someone that Joshua Kane (8) felt the need to possess, he longed to feel her body in his arms. His eyes pierce through her flesh …… and then there they are, dull at first but increasing in volume. Little whispers that weave their sadistic intents within his head. He was one of the thirteen and he heard them, clearly. And knew what he had to do. Sometimes he wants to scream as the voices in his head become too loud, too unbearable, too much, so many voices ALL wanting him to do something awful and painful to this god loving girl. Joshua Kane (8) drops down to his knees, tears of crystallized drug abuse rapidly descending. Darkness grips his soul, the thirteen in his head guide him towards her ...... combining the murkiness into one. She carries on strutting around the apartment, cleaning tidying and humming a hymn. He watches her, his face twisted in pain, his eyes large and filled with a lust that wasn’t human and an erection that would carve her innocent vagina into a bleeding mass of fleshy pulp. She flicks her long, blond hair over one shoulder as she’s walking towards her car, unaware of the horrors of that awaits her. In the backseat Joshua Kane (8) hides, lost in a blackened cage that keeps him from her as she slides in behind the steering wheel. She is about to start the car and then decides to turn on the CD player; he listens to her sing along with the choral choir and wonders how she will sound when she has no tongue. The thirteen fill his mind. "Attack her now. Grab the fucking stupid little bint, we want to torture her, punish her for being such a good little girl. We want to hurt her and make her bleed ...c’mon. Force her to her house, lets have some catholic fun tonight." The blade glistens in dull lamplight, a simple mask hiding his face. Swiftly, his black gloved hand clamps tightly over her mouth, pulling back her head. His body shakes as he imagines slicing her jugular--drinking her pulsing life force. He slowly places the blade against the soft flesh of her throat, savouring the moment--her fear. He is in control, one slice could mean her death and he smiles at the thought. She is thrown into spasms as she writhes against a murky force, her body close to his. HE wants so much to slice her open now, to bathe inside her warm carcass but now is not the time nor place. "Do what you must..." the voices urge. "Take her ,fuck her, torture her, kill her...kill … her..."Tears fall from her frightened eyes as he slides the blade harder across her throat, causing her muffled cries to cease, a whimper simpers from her beautiful mouth."Invite me to your house as if I am a close friend...." he whispers in her ear. "I will not hurt you, this knife is just a friendly reminder, do what I say and no harm shall come to you."Slowly, Joshua Kane (8) and the girl get out of the car, onto a shadowed road with nothing but the trees to bare witness to this brutal, ghastly crime. The trees arch and twist, skeleton like in appearance over the road, reaching for them and hungering for blood. Tips of branches scratch the air as the wind increases slightly, and Joshua Kane (8) leads her back to the apartment."This is it, the moment you've been waiting for. Make us proud, take your knife and make her pay!" the voices sneer. "You're family was never proud of you but WE ARE! Mutilate away your pain, we will help guide you, be there for you, take care of you." Joshua Kane (8) shakes his head, the throbbing on the front of his forehead clearly visible."Hurry up Amanda”. He says to her. As she starts weep more loudly, he violently grabs her arm to keep her from running, threatening her with the knife to show he is in control.” I know everything about you my little virgin.” He sneers at her. The cold night air nips at their skin; both shiver, with the cold and one with fear and one with excitement and anticipation. The voices wind themselves around his darkened thoughts; madness suffocating all that was ever left of a sane Joshua Kane (8). She fumbles with her keys, her breathing heavy. He can smell the fear, wanting so much to lick the sweat off her skin, to take his blade and purify her of her sins, to help her meet God and he hisses to her. “Oh Amanda, do you want to be saved?”
He feels his erection throbbing and he knows that he must set this innocent angel free of her bondage and bleed out all her charming perfections. As the door opens, they make their way to her bedroom where he forces her down on to her front. "Bind her, gag her, skin that filthy whore...,” the voices scream. "Butcher and bleed her dry, cut her cunt up, stab her asshole with the knife, chop her up, chop her up!" He can hear her muffled sobs as she tries so hard to keep Joshua Kane from ripping off her clothes, but he is one of the thirteen and is unstoppable, her clothes rip easily, exposing her flesh and her firm round buttocks. He cuts her knickers and rips them off, bringing them up to his face, so he can smell her scent. He opens up a bag he had brought with him, she whimpers and she prays to God, how powerful this makes him feel. He cannot wait to break her virgin flesh in, with his battery-operated screwdriver and multi headed drill. He pushes her face deep into the pillow and starts to finger fuck her little arsehole she struggles, but he is forceful and cruel, he can hear her muffled cries and he becomes more excited. Sitting on her, watching his fingers, first one, then, two, then three, and finally his fist, his whole fist, going in and out of her arse, fist fucking her as hard as he can, her muffled cries and sobs, just make him go harder and his erect penis swells hard and glorious. His fist fucking starts to slow as with his free hand, he takes from his pocket a large handled screwdriver and as his fist remains in her butt hole, the screwdriver handle is rammed hard into her vagina. He hears a sound of skin breaking. He smiles. And licks his lips as she starts to bleed and her muffled screams are louder and obviously she is in more pain. He leans down towards her head and says into her ears “where’s you almighty God now, you simpering little shit. You religious little slut, I know you thought about doing this, having me fuck you, hurt you, abuse you and make you bleed until you cannot take any more and cum all over my fist, my fingers, my cock. I know you want this. Because, Jesus doesn’t love you, but I do Amanda, I love you.”She hears the zipper of his trousers as he pulls out his cock, and as he removes his fist from her shitty little arsehole, he then rams in his hard cock. He thrusts and he thrusts, as he thrusts into her arsehole, he also thrusts in the large handled screwdriver into her dry cunt, he grabs her by her hair, pulls her head back, tightly, she gasps for air and sees her face rigid with agony and pain as he starts to then throttle her by her throat, gripping onto her neck, squeezing tightly, then tighter as he fucks her holes. Then he suddenly stops, removes himself from her, she collapses onto the bed and sobs loudly, begging him not to hurt her anymore, telling him she won’t tell anyone about this, that God would forgive him. He laughs at her, he sniffs his fingers and sucks on them and thrusts his hard cock into her mouth, stuffing it all the way down her throat, so that she chokes and gags, as he once again grips her neck tightly. he holds her hair tightly, and roughly thrusts his cock in her mouth, making her moan and her tears flow even more. He pulls out when he finally releases his sperm into the back of her throat and he grips her mouth with his hands, forcing her to swallow his spunk. She wants to spit it out, but he then brings the blade of the knife up to her face, letting the tip draw blood above her right eyelid. She swallows his liquid and then collapses to the bed, sobbing into the pillow, shaking like a fallen leaf in the wind. He watches her for a few minutes then from the bag he brings out 13 long thin pieces of barbed wire perfectly cut for this occasion. He feels his black heart thump with excitement as he approaches her again, putting both her arms above her head. Slowly, painfully, he wraps one wrist tightly in barbed wire, watching as blood begins to arch down her arm as the steel cuts in. He then secures it to the bedpost, doing the same with her legs and other wrist. Sadistic longings devours his soul, takes him over to his murkyworld as she wails in pain, her agony adding to his ever-increasing pleasure. With each pain filled scream he has felt himself become a God, be a god, her God and she will worship him. She writhes and struggles, mutilating her wrists in the process, that poor sad innocent catholic girl. She mutters to herself, still praying for God and Jesus to save her. He takes his knife and presses it against her throat."KILL, KILL, KILL...do it now, dissect her, disembowel her." Voices taunt and torment his mind, twisting through into his deep desires and bringing them to life. A sound is heard, blade cutting away the remnants of her clothing, as he cuts away at her remaining shelter; exposing every ounce of flesh on that delicate body of hers. He feels another erection and he stares at her large, plump, perfectly formed breasts.She suddenly starts to scream, startling him away from his imagination. "Cunting bitch, SHUT UP!" He growls. From the bag he takes out a pair of his own soiled pants, using it to gag her. She lies there, displayed for him, so helpless and pathetic. Her arsehole bleeding, her cunt bleeding and her eyes, broken, her face horrified and her mouth stuffed with his own piss and shit stained pants, especially done just for her. In honour of her worship to him. Because Joshua Kane (8) wants to save this girl. He wants to love this girl. He wants this girl to worship him.Gently, he strokes her face with the gleaming silver knife, softly cooing to her. A sadistic grin spreads across his face as he traces the veins in her neck, watching her shudder and flinch. He’s methodical in this procedure, as one of the thirteen; they have done this many times before. The knife travels the length of her body, from throat to pelvis, teasing it over her skin. He does not cut, only hitting nerves--causing them to twitch and twist themselves in knots as she closes her eyes in horror. Tears force themselves from shut eyelids as he runs his hand through her tangled hair, dragging the knife from ear to ear. No cuts are visible, for this is just for show, to tease her, to woo her. Her body shakes uncontrollably beneath him. Joshua Kane (8) knows that he has her respect; she knows she belongs to him now. HE can do whatever he wants with her now. He lets the blade dance and flit across her skin some more, dragging it down her smooth, soft belly once again. There are many sensitive areas along there and he watches her shudder as he starts to masturbate in front her."Dissect her, DO IT!" the thirteen shrill into his head, frantic, screaming, yelling. "KILL THE FUCKING SILLY LITTLE BITCH.""SHUT THE FUCK UP! FUCK YOU ALL, I am not like you!" He screams at the voices inside his head. Inside his mind, body and soul. The girl beneath him goes frigid with fear as he continues dragging the knife, over her body. He feels her flinch as he carefully pierces her nipples, there is silence now for him, so very silent now. He begins to carve, taking chunks of meat from her body, listening to her sobs of pain. Just like all the other murders that the thirteen have encouraged, bloodlust takes over and another killing gets out of control. Joshua Kane (8) loses himself within the blood, needing to taste her, feel its warmth liquid languish on his tongue. "Come on now, you know you want to, YOU MUST consume her! Consume her, consume her, consume her!!!" the thirteen chant as he raises the blade above his head and plunges it deep into her belly, slicing through her twitching muscles. Her screams echoes off the walls into the very inner sanctum of his mind, the mental torture chamber that is his murkyworld, his very existence and as he drags the knife down, opening up her gaping wounds. His fingers wander her body, finding their way between her legs, rubbing her blood soaked clitoris. He works the blade inside her carcass, covering himself and his surroundings in blood and dripping puss. He removes his gloves to feel her innards, slippery in his tightened grasp. Her intestines feel heavy as he pushes his way through fatty tissue to get to all her organs. Deeper now he thrusts is hands into her as he works her towards an orgasm. He lowers his face to drink her blood, and sink his teeth into her ribs He bites harder and harder, chewing his way through tissue and skin, feeling it peel off in his mouth, such a softened texture. He works his way to her breasts, violently biting and ripping her open. He gently sucks on her nipples, tasting her sweet and bitter blood from the previous knife wounds. Bestial impulse takes control and he is tearing into her, eating the fatty substance and drinking himself to a sated desire.His cock begins to grow hard once more, and hearing her heavy breathing. Realising that there is still some life left in her. He thrusts his erect cock between her legs, ignoring her whimpered cries and final pleas. He wraps his hands around her throat, squeezing harder and harder, making her eyes bulge. A gasp, struggles out of her as he pounds into her cunt like a crazed animal. Her face starts to turn a bright red as she chokes...just before she loses consciousness; He lets her go and removes the gag. She's weaker now from loss of blood, but still alive—and Joshua Kane (8) wants more. He reaches inside her once again, and plays inside her visceral. He pulls out intestines but doesn’t detach them; He wants her to see how disgusting she is. He holds them close to her face, letting the blood drip in her eyes, blinding her. Finally, He says his last goodbyes and grips his knife once again. He grabs a fistful of hair and pulls back her head, plunging the knife deep into her neck. Her blood spurts everywhere, over his face, chest and neck as arterial spray spurts forth, she's gagging and choking. He slices the blade across the centre of her throat, cutting through her windpipe and then ending at her right side. Blood bubbles from her wound, spurting above Joshua Kane’s (8) head as he opens his mouth to drink from this fountain of red. She writhes in the throes of death as He enters her cunt once again, fucking her for one last time. ”We are the voice of the fire, and we are no one, yet we are everywhere.” the voices say, fading into the distance. "You are one of us, one of the thirteen".
The ENd
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