ONE OF ThE THiRTEEN (number 10)
Joshua Kane (number 10) was painting what he considered to be art, in his large and dingy warehouse studio apartment. It wasn’t a a pleasant or attractive place, and, in addition to being decrepit, the apartment was located in a terrible and violent part of North London. The poverty of the area was so awful and the condition of the scum that lived there was so hideous that the teenagers who mugged the old age pensioners were in turn mugged by primary school ‘hoodies’. The streets and pavements were cracked and the roads and houses were crumbling travesties of poor craftmanship and cheap supplies. Aspiring artists usually live in poverty, and those who lack talent can’t afford poverty and have to rent a room above a butchers shop. Joshua Kane (10) was one of the lucky one’s, although he despised the others of the thirteen, he was more than happy to accept their money, when it would arrive by postal order, every Friday morning, from joshua kane’s (number 3 and number 7). Although recently, some of his post and the postal orders had gone missing, which meant he would to have to contact the post office and fill out forms for compensation at royal mail. He did not enjoy these interactions and would find that he would be without money for weeks until his claim was processed. To stop from starving , he would roam the streets rummaging through litter bins searching for food, and spend some of his nights sleeping on concrete under bridges instead of his wooden floor.
Joshua Kane (number 10) demonstrated his lack of skill by hanging all of his works, which resembled shit stained nappies of assorted colours, on his apartment space walls. The vast space was bare, except for an easel, a broken female shop dummy, missing an eye and an arm, some rotting canvases, an old and damaged leather sofa, and many tins of discounted house paints (obscure designer colours only, such as sushi pink or brimstone black. But, there was something missing, the colour that eluded him, a colour that he was yet to define, to use, to create and that missing colour was driving him mad!).There were also dozens upon dozens of empty marmalade jars. Scattered around his hovel. There were even more in the kitchen. He could never part with these jars, they had the perfect shape that pleased him and they would be put to good use, when he had finally blended the colour, that damned colour which eluded him.
There was suddenly a loud banging on his front door, which surprised Joshua Kane as he never received visitors or socialised with anyone (except for Mister Zero), number 10 did not even mix with the other Joshua Kane’s (he may be one of the thirteen, but he certainly did not like them or want any of them as friends, and numbers 11, 8 and 12 scared him too much!).
Joshua Kane (10) went to the door and opened it. Standing in front of him was CANdY CAiNE, drug addict, teenage prostitute and part time slave and his next door neighbour. She shoved Joshua Kane (10) out the way and stomped into his studio. He was about to say something profound, when she advanced upon him demanding money or she would cut him open like a frog. Brandishing in her hand and waving it in front of his face a large and sharp kitchen knife, it glinted at him and he imagined blood, a lot of blood, everywhere. He felt faint and mildly fearful. Joshua Kane (10) did not have any money, the next postal order was due in 5 days time and the absence of it caused him to grab CANdY CAiNE by her wrists, stopping her from stabbing or cutting him. He pushed her with such violence and force into the wall, that even he was surprised by his own strength and the early stirrings of an erection between his legs.
Holding her firm against the wall and twisting her wrist to release the knife, it dropped to the floor, blade end down and twanged into the wooden floor, wobbling and stuck, a slight musical tome emmitting from it. She glared at him angrily and struggled, he slapped her hard across her face and then gripped her tightly around her throat, she tried to kick him, but he used his left hand to squeeze and hold her vagina, tightly and painfully.So she was unable to move. She gasped, she choked, tears were forming in her eyes, when, Joshua Kane (10) made a startling discovery. “You know,” he said, “Your physique and face make you the perfect model.”
“urchreallyuhhh?” she choked back at him. He released the pressure on her neck and cunt.
“Yes. I must paint you. You must be my muse.”
“All right”. She said. “But promise you will give me some money and cocaine afterwards?”
“I promise,” He replied. the two-shook hands, she stripped to her dirty and filthy underwear, went to the sofa and started to pose for him and the painting began.
The atmosphere was quiet and relaxed, occasionally interrupted with dirty talking banter, which both parties felt they were obligated to continue. “How long have you been a whore?,” Joshua Kane (10) asked,
“Two years, since I was 15 years old”, she replied. “ I started sucking cock when I was 11 and took it in my cunt and ass when I was 13, usually after a night out on the piss and snorting coke.”
“How long have you been a knife wielding maniac?” He asked, trying to ignore his very hard erection.
She smiled at him, “For a while now. Doing drugs and getting paid to be a slut has its ups and downs, but now, with the current economy, I barely get by.”
“But you still manage to exercise and keep in shape?” He admired her body, his cock throbbing, his eyes unable to stop staring at her breasts and pussy. His thoughts becoming more wild and disgusting, now all he had to do was to put what he thought and saw onto the canvas.
“Oh, I have to, the better and younger I look, the more the dirty old fuckers want me, do you find me attractive? Do you think I’m sexy?” she purred. “do you want to touch my bum? Want to See how firm and small it is, like a peach it is, men love It.” She leered at him. “I love eating peaches myself, mmmm.”
Joshua Kane (10) said nothing, he was too busy creating and painting to allow himself any distractions, he tried his best to concentrate, but he saw that his hands were shaking and he could feel his erection pulsating through his baggy linen trousers.
CANdY CaiNE laughed, She could see his cock straining through the linen. So she started to fondle her large breasts and tweak her thick pink nipples, pouting at him, her eyes large and naughty. “I’m a very bad girl, a very very bad girl, do you want to punish me?” she giggled at him. Joshua Kane (10) stared at her. His mind filled with cruel thoughts and desires, he felt disgust , he felt ashamed, he felt hard, he felt moist, he felt an overload to his senses. He went over to her and gripped her by the throat, pulling her hair. He turned her over roughly, so he could see her back and bottom. He ripped off her underwear and forced them into her rather willing mouth. Then he admired her beauty, her small firm bottom, which she raised into the air slightly, so he could have a better view of her arse and cunt. He sat on top of her, then he and whispered into her ear.
“lie very still, you are my model, say nothing, do nothing, do not move.” He moved away from her. “be very still, I just need to add something to make this more of a still life image for me.” Then he went to where the knife was stiuck in the wooden floorboard. He pulled it out, and went back to her. She watched him, her eyes never leaving him, she was smiling and moaning. He went back to her and started to cut and shred the sofa around where she lay. The stuffing and springs bursting through, covering her body and the floor. The he used the tip of the blade on her shoulder, cutting gently, 6 lines into her skin, her blood slowly trickled out of the wounds and then he placed the knife into her left hand and placed her left arm down towards the floor. He went back to the easel and continued painting.
After two hours of brush strokes and splattered colors Joshua Kane (10) nodded his head in approval. “Would you like to see?” he asked her.
“mmmmphmmph” she replied. Her underwear still in her mouth, she got up from the sofa and walked towards the canvas. Joshua Kane turned the canvas toward her and said to her, “I had to resign myself, many years ago, that I'm not too articulate when it comes to explaining how I feel about things. But my art does it for me, it really does.” Candy Caine, removed the underwear from her mouth, placed the knife on the easel, her flesh was stained with the dried blood from her arms, her eyes were wild and her smile was coy. “I am a slave to love” she touched his face with her badly manicured fingers.
“I do not paint, no. I go to galleries.” CANdY CaiNE said and she leant towards him and placed her mouth over his, she kissed him, a delicate and passionate kiss. Joshua Kane (10) returned the kiss, wet, warm and withtongues. He felt excitement, he felt desire, he felt love and he felt something else, something odd, something sinister and creeping its way into his brain. She broke away from him and looked up into his dark dead eyes.
“It's fabulous when I can do that, when I discover somebody who I like, when I feel those kind of feelings, even though I can act them out better than saying them .” She whispered, she rubbed his cock and dropped to her knees, pulling his cock out and preparing to put it in her whore mouth.
“That’s right,” said Joshua Kane (10) with a sinister grin, “Words can be very powerful. I find them very difficult.” But he let her continue, enjoying this moment, for it had been some time since anyone had touched him, sucked him or kissed him. He thought back to Alice White and how Joshua Kane (1) had managed to make her his own. As CANdY CAiNE sucked and swallowed his meat, his thoughts and the images in his mind, drifted, changed, twisted and turned and instead of letting his mind and body relax into ejaculating into her mouth, he found himself holding the kitchen knife in his right hand, and pulling her hair, pulling as tight as he could with his left hand, forcing her head and mouth to suck and swallow faster and harder. He found himself slicing the knife across her throat, his cock still in her mouth, he held her head firmly as she bled all over his legs, all over her breasts, all over her flesh and onto the wooden floor.Then he pulled his cock out of her mouth, she was staring at him, her blood spraying like a fine water shower as he sliced her throat again, a bigger and deeper cut, then he used his fingers to open the wound a little bigger, she moaned, and watched him, as he slid his hard cock deep into the gash, the warm blood enveloped his penis, he started to fuck her the hole in her neck, fuck her with frenzy he had never known before and then he pulled out, releasing his spunk over her face, his sperm mixing with her blood. Then he let her collapse to the floor. He watched as she slowly died, her eyes still open, her mouth smiling. He gently said.”I love you.” And he watched her life leave this small island called earth.
He picked up his medium paint brush. He dipped the brush into her open wound and mixed the spunk and blood onto the bristles and put the finishing touches to his painting.
Joshua Kane (10) had at last realised his true passion: violence, murderous sex, and he had finally discovered the colour, the missing colour that was needed for all his work. He also knew that he needed to always live alone. He understood, that he was no different to any of the others of the thirteen, in fact he may be the worst of them all, but he did not care, now that he knew what he could do and how he could progress with his art, he knew that he needed to make a new start, move to a new city, Paris perhaps, or maybe even Berlin. He lay down next to the dead body of CANdY CaiNE and made love to her throat again and again, until he had no more energy left,he lay in a pool of blood and spunk and satred at the ceiling.
He got up and he collected 60 the empty marmalade jars from his kitchen and filled them with his spunk and her blood. He called the colour, ‘lifeless red’. Joshua Kane (10) only had one real friend, he did not contact him often, but he knew that he could rely on his discretion and help. He phoned Mister Zero, Joshua Kane (10), needed help to dispose of the body and Mister Zero had a basement and septic tank that could be used.
Six months later,Joshua Kane (10) sold the painting of CANdY CaiNE at his final exhibition in London. Nobody ever wondered or cared about CANdY CaiNE, or where she had dissappeared to, just another missing person. She had no real family or friends.
Unknown to Joshua Kane (10) , one person did miss her, and that was Mr Mundy from Saffron Walden, Essex. He was a local fruit and vegetable seller and he enjoyed CANdY CaiNE’s company , when she would come and visit on every Friday, she always had some cash on Fridays and she would like to purchase clothes from the little shop of twine that was a few doors away from Mundy’s own store ‘I LOVE MUNDY’S’ ,(his wife had named the place, he hated it, one day he would divorce the bitch and be a free man again.) then CANdY CaiNE would come to meet Mundy at a local bed and breakfast, where she would show him her new outfits and tell him of her adventures with strange men and the way she flirted and teased the weirdo in the little shop of twine where she purchased her outfits from and finally she always allowed Mundy to insert fruit and vegetables into her asshole, her mouth and her cunt so he could eat them out of her, for a fee of £1,500 and a bag of peaches. Mister Mundy, would wonder about her and miss her every Friday for many months, until one day he watched the strange and sinister owner of the little shop of twine, go for a drink with a wonderful red headed girl. Mundy was captivated by her beauty, her shape, her legs and her face. He followed them, and watched their every move. So even Mister Mundy eventually forgot about CANdY CaiNE, when he decided that he must get to know this red head girl and find out where she lived and what sort of fruit and vegetables she liked.
Joshua Kane (10) travelled throughout europe and finally settling in Paris, where he was able to purchase a wonderful house and separate studio, with a newly refurbished basement. His exhibitions were endlessly successful and the demand for his work was becoming impossible to cope with. Joshua Kane was very happy with his success. Everyone commented on the vibrant colours, the dark colours, the unusual colours, especially the one he called,’lifeless red’. Everyone wanted to know how he mixed it, what he used, but that was his secret. There are some things worth hiding from the prying eyes and ears of the scum.
He went to his ‘special’ place to collect another marmalade jar. To his dismay, this was his last one. Soon, very soon, much sooner than he had realised, he would need to find another muse.
Joshua Kane (number 10) was painting what he considered to be art, in his large and dingy warehouse studio apartment. It wasn’t a a pleasant or attractive place, and, in addition to being decrepit, the apartment was located in a terrible and violent part of North London. The poverty of the area was so awful and the condition of the scum that lived there was so hideous that the teenagers who mugged the old age pensioners were in turn mugged by primary school ‘hoodies’. The streets and pavements were cracked and the roads and houses were crumbling travesties of poor craftmanship and cheap supplies. Aspiring artists usually live in poverty, and those who lack talent can’t afford poverty and have to rent a room above a butchers shop. Joshua Kane (10) was one of the lucky one’s, although he despised the others of the thirteen, he was more than happy to accept their money, when it would arrive by postal order, every Friday morning, from joshua kane’s (number 3 and number 7). Although recently, some of his post and the postal orders had gone missing, which meant he would to have to contact the post office and fill out forms for compensation at royal mail. He did not enjoy these interactions and would find that he would be without money for weeks until his claim was processed. To stop from starving , he would roam the streets rummaging through litter bins searching for food, and spend some of his nights sleeping on concrete under bridges instead of his wooden floor.
Joshua Kane (number 10) demonstrated his lack of skill by hanging all of his works, which resembled shit stained nappies of assorted colours, on his apartment space walls. The vast space was bare, except for an easel, a broken female shop dummy, missing an eye and an arm, some rotting canvases, an old and damaged leather sofa, and many tins of discounted house paints (obscure designer colours only, such as sushi pink or brimstone black. But, there was something missing, the colour that eluded him, a colour that he was yet to define, to use, to create and that missing colour was driving him mad!).There were also dozens upon dozens of empty marmalade jars. Scattered around his hovel. There were even more in the kitchen. He could never part with these jars, they had the perfect shape that pleased him and they would be put to good use, when he had finally blended the colour, that damned colour which eluded him.
There was suddenly a loud banging on his front door, which surprised Joshua Kane as he never received visitors or socialised with anyone (except for Mister Zero), number 10 did not even mix with the other Joshua Kane’s (he may be one of the thirteen, but he certainly did not like them or want any of them as friends, and numbers 11, 8 and 12 scared him too much!).
Joshua Kane (10) went to the door and opened it. Standing in front of him was CANdY CAiNE, drug addict, teenage prostitute and part time slave and his next door neighbour. She shoved Joshua Kane (10) out the way and stomped into his studio. He was about to say something profound, when she advanced upon him demanding money or she would cut him open like a frog. Brandishing in her hand and waving it in front of his face a large and sharp kitchen knife, it glinted at him and he imagined blood, a lot of blood, everywhere. He felt faint and mildly fearful. Joshua Kane (10) did not have any money, the next postal order was due in 5 days time and the absence of it caused him to grab CANdY CAiNE by her wrists, stopping her from stabbing or cutting him. He pushed her with such violence and force into the wall, that even he was surprised by his own strength and the early stirrings of an erection between his legs.
Holding her firm against the wall and twisting her wrist to release the knife, it dropped to the floor, blade end down and twanged into the wooden floor, wobbling and stuck, a slight musical tome emmitting from it. She glared at him angrily and struggled, he slapped her hard across her face and then gripped her tightly around her throat, she tried to kick him, but he used his left hand to squeeze and hold her vagina, tightly and painfully.So she was unable to move. She gasped, she choked, tears were forming in her eyes, when, Joshua Kane (10) made a startling discovery. “You know,” he said, “Your physique and face make you the perfect model.”
“urchreallyuhhh?” she choked back at him. He released the pressure on her neck and cunt.
“Yes. I must paint you. You must be my muse.”
“All right”. She said. “But promise you will give me some money and cocaine afterwards?”
“I promise,” He replied. the two-shook hands, she stripped to her dirty and filthy underwear, went to the sofa and started to pose for him and the painting began.
The atmosphere was quiet and relaxed, occasionally interrupted with dirty talking banter, which both parties felt they were obligated to continue. “How long have you been a whore?,” Joshua Kane (10) asked,
“Two years, since I was 15 years old”, she replied. “ I started sucking cock when I was 11 and took it in my cunt and ass when I was 13, usually after a night out on the piss and snorting coke.”
“How long have you been a knife wielding maniac?” He asked, trying to ignore his very hard erection.
She smiled at him, “For a while now. Doing drugs and getting paid to be a slut has its ups and downs, but now, with the current economy, I barely get by.”
“But you still manage to exercise and keep in shape?” He admired her body, his cock throbbing, his eyes unable to stop staring at her breasts and pussy. His thoughts becoming more wild and disgusting, now all he had to do was to put what he thought and saw onto the canvas.
“Oh, I have to, the better and younger I look, the more the dirty old fuckers want me, do you find me attractive? Do you think I’m sexy?” she purred. “do you want to touch my bum? Want to See how firm and small it is, like a peach it is, men love It.” She leered at him. “I love eating peaches myself, mmmm.”
Joshua Kane (10) said nothing, he was too busy creating and painting to allow himself any distractions, he tried his best to concentrate, but he saw that his hands were shaking and he could feel his erection pulsating through his baggy linen trousers.
CANdY CaiNE laughed, She could see his cock straining through the linen. So she started to fondle her large breasts and tweak her thick pink nipples, pouting at him, her eyes large and naughty. “I’m a very bad girl, a very very bad girl, do you want to punish me?” she giggled at him. Joshua Kane (10) stared at her. His mind filled with cruel thoughts and desires, he felt disgust , he felt ashamed, he felt hard, he felt moist, he felt an overload to his senses. He went over to her and gripped her by the throat, pulling her hair. He turned her over roughly, so he could see her back and bottom. He ripped off her underwear and forced them into her rather willing mouth. Then he admired her beauty, her small firm bottom, which she raised into the air slightly, so he could have a better view of her arse and cunt. He sat on top of her, then he and whispered into her ear.
“lie very still, you are my model, say nothing, do nothing, do not move.” He moved away from her. “be very still, I just need to add something to make this more of a still life image for me.” Then he went to where the knife was stiuck in the wooden floorboard. He pulled it out, and went back to her. She watched him, her eyes never leaving him, she was smiling and moaning. He went back to her and started to cut and shred the sofa around where she lay. The stuffing and springs bursting through, covering her body and the floor. The he used the tip of the blade on her shoulder, cutting gently, 6 lines into her skin, her blood slowly trickled out of the wounds and then he placed the knife into her left hand and placed her left arm down towards the floor. He went back to the easel and continued painting.
After two hours of brush strokes and splattered colors Joshua Kane (10) nodded his head in approval. “Would you like to see?” he asked her.
“mmmmphmmph” she replied. Her underwear still in her mouth, she got up from the sofa and walked towards the canvas. Joshua Kane turned the canvas toward her and said to her, “I had to resign myself, many years ago, that I'm not too articulate when it comes to explaining how I feel about things. But my art does it for me, it really does.” Candy Caine, removed the underwear from her mouth, placed the knife on the easel, her flesh was stained with the dried blood from her arms, her eyes were wild and her smile was coy. “I am a slave to love” she touched his face with her badly manicured fingers.
“I do not paint, no. I go to galleries.” CANdY CaiNE said and she leant towards him and placed her mouth over his, she kissed him, a delicate and passionate kiss. Joshua Kane (10) returned the kiss, wet, warm and withtongues. He felt excitement, he felt desire, he felt love and he felt something else, something odd, something sinister and creeping its way into his brain. She broke away from him and looked up into his dark dead eyes.
“It's fabulous when I can do that, when I discover somebody who I like, when I feel those kind of feelings, even though I can act them out better than saying them .” She whispered, she rubbed his cock and dropped to her knees, pulling his cock out and preparing to put it in her whore mouth.
“That’s right,” said Joshua Kane (10) with a sinister grin, “Words can be very powerful. I find them very difficult.” But he let her continue, enjoying this moment, for it had been some time since anyone had touched him, sucked him or kissed him. He thought back to Alice White and how Joshua Kane (1) had managed to make her his own. As CANdY CAiNE sucked and swallowed his meat, his thoughts and the images in his mind, drifted, changed, twisted and turned and instead of letting his mind and body relax into ejaculating into her mouth, he found himself holding the kitchen knife in his right hand, and pulling her hair, pulling as tight as he could with his left hand, forcing her head and mouth to suck and swallow faster and harder. He found himself slicing the knife across her throat, his cock still in her mouth, he held her head firmly as she bled all over his legs, all over her breasts, all over her flesh and onto the wooden floor.Then he pulled his cock out of her mouth, she was staring at him, her blood spraying like a fine water shower as he sliced her throat again, a bigger and deeper cut, then he used his fingers to open the wound a little bigger, she moaned, and watched him, as he slid his hard cock deep into the gash, the warm blood enveloped his penis, he started to fuck her the hole in her neck, fuck her with frenzy he had never known before and then he pulled out, releasing his spunk over her face, his sperm mixing with her blood. Then he let her collapse to the floor. He watched as she slowly died, her eyes still open, her mouth smiling. He gently said.”I love you.” And he watched her life leave this small island called earth.
He picked up his medium paint brush. He dipped the brush into her open wound and mixed the spunk and blood onto the bristles and put the finishing touches to his painting.
Joshua Kane (10) had at last realised his true passion: violence, murderous sex, and he had finally discovered the colour, the missing colour that was needed for all his work. He also knew that he needed to always live alone. He understood, that he was no different to any of the others of the thirteen, in fact he may be the worst of them all, but he did not care, now that he knew what he could do and how he could progress with his art, he knew that he needed to make a new start, move to a new city, Paris perhaps, or maybe even Berlin. He lay down next to the dead body of CANdY CaiNE and made love to her throat again and again, until he had no more energy left,he lay in a pool of blood and spunk and satred at the ceiling.
He got up and he collected 60 the empty marmalade jars from his kitchen and filled them with his spunk and her blood. He called the colour, ‘lifeless red’. Joshua Kane (10) only had one real friend, he did not contact him often, but he knew that he could rely on his discretion and help. He phoned Mister Zero, Joshua Kane (10), needed help to dispose of the body and Mister Zero had a basement and septic tank that could be used.
Six months later,Joshua Kane (10) sold the painting of CANdY CaiNE at his final exhibition in London. Nobody ever wondered or cared about CANdY CaiNE, or where she had dissappeared to, just another missing person. She had no real family or friends.
Unknown to Joshua Kane (10) , one person did miss her, and that was Mr Mundy from Saffron Walden, Essex. He was a local fruit and vegetable seller and he enjoyed CANdY CaiNE’s company , when she would come and visit on every Friday, she always had some cash on Fridays and she would like to purchase clothes from the little shop of twine that was a few doors away from Mundy’s own store ‘I LOVE MUNDY’S’ ,(his wife had named the place, he hated it, one day he would divorce the bitch and be a free man again.) then CANdY CaiNE would come to meet Mundy at a local bed and breakfast, where she would show him her new outfits and tell him of her adventures with strange men and the way she flirted and teased the weirdo in the little shop of twine where she purchased her outfits from and finally she always allowed Mundy to insert fruit and vegetables into her asshole, her mouth and her cunt so he could eat them out of her, for a fee of £1,500 and a bag of peaches. Mister Mundy, would wonder about her and miss her every Friday for many months, until one day he watched the strange and sinister owner of the little shop of twine, go for a drink with a wonderful red headed girl. Mundy was captivated by her beauty, her shape, her legs and her face. He followed them, and watched their every move. So even Mister Mundy eventually forgot about CANdY CaiNE, when he decided that he must get to know this red head girl and find out where she lived and what sort of fruit and vegetables she liked.
Joshua Kane (10) travelled throughout europe and finally settling in Paris, where he was able to purchase a wonderful house and separate studio, with a newly refurbished basement. His exhibitions were endlessly successful and the demand for his work was becoming impossible to cope with. Joshua Kane was very happy with his success. Everyone commented on the vibrant colours, the dark colours, the unusual colours, especially the one he called,’lifeless red’. Everyone wanted to know how he mixed it, what he used, but that was his secret. There are some things worth hiding from the prying eyes and ears of the scum.
He went to his ‘special’ place to collect another marmalade jar. To his dismay, this was his last one. Soon, very soon, much sooner than he had realised, he would need to find another muse.
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