Joshua Kane (number 12) is in the currents of unconsciousness. As he struggle into consciousness, each morning, a self-erasing mechanism destroys memories of dreams; only vague and vivid snippets remain as clues. But how many of the other Joshua Kane’s are able recall dreams that were not dreams at all? Joshua Kane (12) recalls for hours and days afterwards, of these impositions, unlike the general amnesia accompanying most of the dreams of the other Joshua Kane’s. Joshua Kane (12) can assure all, that he has shockingly unlearned all Jungian and Freudian concepts of dreams. It's only the human language's impotence, calling these realities, dreams.The Eskimos have myriad words for snow. Joshua Kane (12) only has one for dreams that often are not dreams, which he himself generates. His experiences, in the extreme, illustrate this indigestible possibility.
A large black shapeless mass turns out the lights while IT is in the labyrinth of mazes and hallways en route to storage rooms. IT stands in the way of Mister Zero, Joshua Kane (12) and 6 teenage girls, the girls are dressed in black and red underwear, Joshua Kane (12) is laughing, a horrible cackling sound. There is a terror in the eyes of the girls and a strong wave of hatred felt towards them by Joshua Kane (12) and Mister Zero. The large black shapeless mass engulfs them all. Then the mass tries to retrace its way in the darkness, back towards the void, hugging the walls leaving black ooze behind it. It’s name is whispered into the ears of ZERO and KANE (12) their clothing is clutched and plucked at by unseen hands. The presence is large and blacker than the darkness surrounding the men of code; Zero and Kane feel a sense of being watched and sense waves of intense hatred, which is undeniable. Flashlights fail and dim and blink out when the 6 teenage girls re-appear naked, their flesh covered in cuts and bruises and snakes protruding from their vaginas and arseholes.
Suddenly, Girl (1) is attached painfully to Girl (3) by chains and wires, which rip through their flesh, blood splatters over the other 4 girls and Mister Zero fall to his knees, letting the blood spray over his face. Girl (5) and Girl (2) are then flung to the walls together by an unseen force, and they BOTH start to watch their limbs be bent and twisted out of shape, broken bones and twisted flesh is forced into their different body parts, so these 2 girls are intertwined, their blood is flowing and Joshua Kane (12) goes to the pulsing mass of 2 in 1 teenage flesh and starts to use a baseball bat handle, forcing it into their vagina’s. He screams in ecstasy as they scream endlessly. Girl (6) and Girl (4) try to struggle out of the razor thin fishhooks and wire that twirls around them, then as they spin together, wrapped in fish hooks and wire their flesh is ripped away from them, flying off them into the eyes and mouths of Joshua Kane (12) and Mister Zero, the mass then forms into an IT and bites into the flesh of ZERO and KANE (12). More fish hooks appear from the darkness and pierce the cheeks of Zero and Kane’s faces and tears deeply into their mouths and the fishhooks unseen, sink into their skins, biting deeper and more painfully into their flesh. They are marionettes impaled from face to scrotum and have wandered unknowing into this macramé of razorblade like fishhooks someone more evil than they must have concocted. The slightest movement brings sharp painful reminders that they are stuck fast and in a nightmarish predicament they cannot solve.
Joshua Kane (12) awakes. He is hot, sweaty and slightly out of breath. His sheets are damp and there is a sticky feeling between his legs. He lifts the bed sheets and looks at his naked body, his penis is hard and he is covered in his own sperm. He his thirsty, he is about to get out of bed, when his room which is normally empty of any possessions or books, or anything. This room of his that gives him solitude, has in it usually a large double bed, but at this moment, his room is no longer empty, for a dark figure is standing in the corner. He couldn't see who or what it was, but he gets out of his bed and walks towards it. It was wearing a long black cloak and as he got closer it turned around so that its face was away from him. The closer he got, the faster it would turn it head, like it was spinning, looking permanently blurred. Then all of a sudden it stopped moving, and there was a bright flash of light, an ear piecing screech, and that was the last thing Joshua Kane (12) remembers.
Joshua Kane (12) wakes in a brightly lit white metallic room.
He had opened his eyes and felt strangely rested. He allowed his retinas to adjust to the bright light and began to scrutinize his unexpected surroundings. He experienced a tinge of panic, as he did not know where he was, but also had absolutely no idea of how he got here. However as soon as the anxiety had risen it quickly faded and he became at ease with his dilemma. He purposefully studied the bright white, brightly lit metallic room. Yes, there was no doubt about it; he was in some sort of cell, no windows, and he was wrapped in something uncomfortable. He was alone and confused yet he did not feel afraid, in fact on the contrary Joshua Kane (12) felt remarkably tranquil. He looked down to see what he was wearing, and saw that he was strapped into a padded straight jacket with many chains and padlocks and this bemused him, for he had not worn such a thing in a long, long time. Joshua Kane (12) desperately attempted to concentrate on where he had been. And where he was meant to be going. He examined the beautifully inscribed numbers on the padlocks he had some vague slivers of memories that started to cluster coherently within his mind. Yes, he had started to remember! He closed his eyes as images of his anger and hatred for humanity replayed.
Thoughts flooded his mind as it did so often, as of yet he had not deciphered the meanings and cared not to do so. His mind flittered with thoughts so often, new ideas and old, brave and bold answers to age-old questions. Nobody cared, people left me long ago, not wanting me or my thoughts, my answers, my questions, my anger, my desires. I 'live' alone now but I don't truly believe I live. Numb my limbs lifeless only moving my tongue to brush the fly away from my eye. Things in the darkness speak, call to me, and beckon. I listen to them and ignore the images in my head that show me wanting to chocolate cake and drink ovaltine. The dark is the place for me, my mind is our own and no one can destroy this.I am, we are too much for them, the dark says that it calls to me in a silent whisper. I do not resist, my mind is my own, my mind is not my own, I am legion, I am many, I am no one and the shadows move, form shapes in the darkness. Sounds brush past me, not disturbing my mind, my being. Echoing whispers, silent whispers. They want us; they want me, us, and them. Her. Him, they, all, there are more of us now. My mind is home to many things
Joshua Kane watched another fly buzz around the room, next he peered satisfied at the empty space beside him and grinned as he whispered out loud
Joshua Kane (number 12) is in the currents of unconsciousness. As he struggle into consciousness, each morning, a self-erasing mechanism destroys memories of dreams; only vague and vivid snippets remain as clues. But how many of the other Joshua Kane’s are able recall dreams that were not dreams at all? Joshua Kane (12) recalls for hours and days afterwards, of these impositions, unlike the general amnesia accompanying most of the dreams of the other Joshua Kane’s. Joshua Kane (12) can assure all, that he has shockingly unlearned all Jungian and Freudian concepts of dreams. It's only the human language's impotence, calling these realities, dreams.The Eskimos have myriad words for snow. Joshua Kane (12) only has one for dreams that often are not dreams, which he himself generates. His experiences, in the extreme, illustrate this indigestible possibility.
A large black shapeless mass turns out the lights while IT is in the labyrinth of mazes and hallways en route to storage rooms. IT stands in the way of Mister Zero, Joshua Kane (12) and 6 teenage girls, the girls are dressed in black and red underwear, Joshua Kane (12) is laughing, a horrible cackling sound. There is a terror in the eyes of the girls and a strong wave of hatred felt towards them by Joshua Kane (12) and Mister Zero. The large black shapeless mass engulfs them all. Then the mass tries to retrace its way in the darkness, back towards the void, hugging the walls leaving black ooze behind it. It’s name is whispered into the ears of ZERO and KANE (12) their clothing is clutched and plucked at by unseen hands. The presence is large and blacker than the darkness surrounding the men of code; Zero and Kane feel a sense of being watched and sense waves of intense hatred, which is undeniable. Flashlights fail and dim and blink out when the 6 teenage girls re-appear naked, their flesh covered in cuts and bruises and snakes protruding from their vaginas and arseholes.
Suddenly, Girl (1) is attached painfully to Girl (3) by chains and wires, which rip through their flesh, blood splatters over the other 4 girls and Mister Zero fall to his knees, letting the blood spray over his face. Girl (5) and Girl (2) are then flung to the walls together by an unseen force, and they BOTH start to watch their limbs be bent and twisted out of shape, broken bones and twisted flesh is forced into their different body parts, so these 2 girls are intertwined, their blood is flowing and Joshua Kane (12) goes to the pulsing mass of 2 in 1 teenage flesh and starts to use a baseball bat handle, forcing it into their vagina’s. He screams in ecstasy as they scream endlessly. Girl (6) and Girl (4) try to struggle out of the razor thin fishhooks and wire that twirls around them, then as they spin together, wrapped in fish hooks and wire their flesh is ripped away from them, flying off them into the eyes and mouths of Joshua Kane (12) and Mister Zero, the mass then forms into an IT and bites into the flesh of ZERO and KANE (12). More fish hooks appear from the darkness and pierce the cheeks of Zero and Kane’s faces and tears deeply into their mouths and the fishhooks unseen, sink into their skins, biting deeper and more painfully into their flesh. They are marionettes impaled from face to scrotum and have wandered unknowing into this macramé of razorblade like fishhooks someone more evil than they must have concocted. The slightest movement brings sharp painful reminders that they are stuck fast and in a nightmarish predicament they cannot solve.
Joshua Kane (12) awakes. He is hot, sweaty and slightly out of breath. His sheets are damp and there is a sticky feeling between his legs. He lifts the bed sheets and looks at his naked body, his penis is hard and he is covered in his own sperm. He his thirsty, he is about to get out of bed, when his room which is normally empty of any possessions or books, or anything. This room of his that gives him solitude, has in it usually a large double bed, but at this moment, his room is no longer empty, for a dark figure is standing in the corner. He couldn't see who or what it was, but he gets out of his bed and walks towards it. It was wearing a long black cloak and as he got closer it turned around so that its face was away from him. The closer he got, the faster it would turn it head, like it was spinning, looking permanently blurred. Then all of a sudden it stopped moving, and there was a bright flash of light, an ear piecing screech, and that was the last thing Joshua Kane (12) remembers.
Joshua Kane (12) wakes in a brightly lit white metallic room.
He had opened his eyes and felt strangely rested. He allowed his retinas to adjust to the bright light and began to scrutinize his unexpected surroundings. He experienced a tinge of panic, as he did not know where he was, but also had absolutely no idea of how he got here. However as soon as the anxiety had risen it quickly faded and he became at ease with his dilemma. He purposefully studied the bright white, brightly lit metallic room. Yes, there was no doubt about it; he was in some sort of cell, no windows, and he was wrapped in something uncomfortable. He was alone and confused yet he did not feel afraid, in fact on the contrary Joshua Kane (12) felt remarkably tranquil. He looked down to see what he was wearing, and saw that he was strapped into a padded straight jacket with many chains and padlocks and this bemused him, for he had not worn such a thing in a long, long time. Joshua Kane (12) desperately attempted to concentrate on where he had been. And where he was meant to be going. He examined the beautifully inscribed numbers on the padlocks he had some vague slivers of memories that started to cluster coherently within his mind. Yes, he had started to remember! He closed his eyes as images of his anger and hatred for humanity replayed.
Thoughts flooded his mind as it did so often, as of yet he had not deciphered the meanings and cared not to do so. His mind flittered with thoughts so often, new ideas and old, brave and bold answers to age-old questions. Nobody cared, people left me long ago, not wanting me or my thoughts, my answers, my questions, my anger, my desires. I 'live' alone now but I don't truly believe I live. Numb my limbs lifeless only moving my tongue to brush the fly away from my eye. Things in the darkness speak, call to me, and beckon. I listen to them and ignore the images in my head that show me wanting to chocolate cake and drink ovaltine. The dark is the place for me, my mind is our own and no one can destroy this.I am, we are too much for them, the dark says that it calls to me in a silent whisper. I do not resist, my mind is my own, my mind is not my own, I am legion, I am many, I am no one and the shadows move, form shapes in the darkness. Sounds brush past me, not disturbing my mind, my being. Echoing whispers, silent whispers. They want us; they want me, us, and them. Her. Him, they, all, there are more of us now. My mind is home to many things
.”They have exiled me our mind is not mine. I exist now only in this small
corner leaving only ideas of complex thought in the mind. The darkness no longer
calls but taunts it knows I cannot win. Shadows form shapes. Shapes form
shadows. An endless cycle. So corrupt are the thoughts of ours, theirs the
darkness need only to swoop in and clutch my mind for themselves. I am Joshua
Kane number 12, and I am one of the thirteen and soon the others will come for
Joshua Kane watched another fly buzz around the room, next he peered satisfied at the empty space beside him and grinned as he whispered out loud
” I'll think I'll have fly again for breakfast, I'll think I'll have fly
again for breakfast, I'll think I'll have fly again for breakfast, I'll think
I'll have fly again for breakfast, I'll think I'll have fly again for breakfast,
I'll think I'll have fly again for breakfast, I'll think I'll have fly again for
breakfast, I'll think I'll have fly again for breakfast, KILL, I'll think I'll
have fly again for breakfast, I'll think I'll have fly again for breakfast, I'll
think I'll have fly again for breakfast, I'll think I'll have fly again for
breakfast, I'll think I'll have fly again for breakfast, IT, I'll think I'll
have fly again for breakfast, I'll think I'll have fly again for breakfast, I'll
think I'll have fly again for breakfast, I'll think I'll have fly again for
breakfast, I'll think I'll have fly again for breakfast ,BEFORE, I'll think I'll
have fly again for breakfast, I'll think I'll have fly again for breakfast, I'll
think I'll have fly again for breakfast, I'll think I'll have fly again for
breakfast, IT, I'll think I'll have fly again for breakfast,
I'll think I'll
have fly again for breakfast, I'll think I'll have fly again for breakfast, I'll
think I'll have fly again for breakfast, I'll think I'll have fly again for
breakfast, I'll think I'll have fly again for breakfast, KILLS, I'll think I'll
have fly again for breakfast, I'll think I'll have fly again for breakfast, I'll
think I'll have fly again for breakfast, I'll think I'll have fly again for
breakfast, I'll think I'll have fly again for breakfast, I'll think I'll have
fly again for breakfast, ME! I'll think I'll have fly again for breakfast.”
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