Friday, 29 December 2006


Dear Mister Zero,

I don’t know how I came to be,was it someplace murky where becoming delirious is appropriateA place where I descend into turmoilFollowing the blood path of hate?I sit emotionless in yet another trance. My mind is darkness and impure.My words are unspoken. Yet the others could see my lips moving.The voices are telling me that the truth is a lie.Eerie whispers demoralize my neurotic mind. I obey all orders of torment and sacrifice.
Then before I know what I am doing, I find that I am swaying,
Burying reality with a beautiful knife resting in my pocket.
This knife will be used to peel skin until flesh will bleed crimson sores. The hostile laughter and smirking of the others, makes me feel anguished.
I will make them BEG!
I want to plunge the blade into their eyes, caressing the surface of the retina.
I will release their screams, these helpless cries are insoluble.
They will BLEED for me, while I have brutal flashes of myself bathing in their blood.
I watch myself in a mirror, slicing into their pathetic flesh, I am giggling, and it is funny to me – the mess of the human body.
The stink flesh must be slaughtered. I am kANE and I will feed them to their children -
And then I shall slaughter their children and feed them to the PIGS.

The knife is dripping with blood and it excites me, I feel like bouncing off the walls, striking out at everyone. I stare into dead eyes.
Then I begin to shake my vertiginous body into the void.
My heart slowly beating against the cold decaying flesh of the dead.
Finally I am blinking, sobbing, and trembling on my knees. “Kill them kill them kill them all,” the voices are proud of me. They possess my consciousness.
They are the reason for my addictions and actions.
Leading me through a life of being an experiment, a medicated misery, and a psychotic patient of 40 gashes.
One glimpse of them will deliver to me the punishment and the pain.
“You tricked my eyes!” I shout at the stranger I see standing in the mirror.I don’t know how I came to be,but I exist and that is acceptable to me.The voices comfort me and theFollowing hallucinations are to retrieve the moments of lost schizophrenia.
And then the reality of death will be once again BE whole.
For I am a god and I will be worshipped – I am the saviour and I shall savour their fear.
I shall punish all the SCUM, THE AWFUL, THE UGLY, THE STUPID and the weak.

Be seeing you.


ze·ro (zîr'ō, zē'rō) n., pl. -ros or -roes.

The numerical symbol 0; a cipher.
The identity element for addition.
A cardinal number indicating the absence of any or all units under consideration.
An ordinal number indicating an initial point or origin.
An argument at which the value of a function vanishes.
The temperature indicated by the numeral 0 on a thermometer.
A sight setting that enables a firearm to shoot on target.
Informal. One having no influence or importance; a nonentity: a manager who was a total zero.
The lowest point: His prospects were approaching zero.
A zero-coupon bond.
Informal. Nothing; nil: Today I accomplished zero.
Of, relating to, or being zero.

Having no measurable or otherwise determinable value.
Informal. Absent, inoperative, or irrelevant in specified circumstances: “The town has . . . practically no opportunities for amusement, zero culture” (Robert M. Adams).
Designating a ceiling not more than 16 meters (52 feet) high.
Limited in horizontal visibility to no more than 55 meters (180 feet).
Linguistics. Of or relating to a morpheme that is expected by an established, regular paradigm but has no spoken or written form. Moose has a zero plural; that is, its plural is moose.
tr.v., -roed, -ro·ing, -roes.
To adjust (an instrument or a device) to zero value.
phrasal verbs:
zero in

To aim or concentrate firepower on an exact target location.
To adjust the aim or sight of by repeated firings.
To converge intently; close in: The children zeroed in on the display of toys in the store window.
zero out
To eliminate (a budget or budget item) by cutting off funding.
To reduce to zero.
[Italian, from alteration of Medieval Latin zephirum, from Arabic ṣifr, nothing, cipher.]

In mathematics, the concept zero is used in two ways: as a number and as a value of a variable. The positional system of number notation, developed first by the Babylonians (about 500 b.c.) with the base 60, and a millennium later by the Hindus and the Chinese with the base 10, required for greater clarity a special marker of the empty, nonoccupied position.
The zero as a number, however, is a new concept, introduced by the Hindus and Chinese about the same time (6th century). Brahmagupta (born a.d. 598) remarked that the number 0 has special properties: a ± 0 = a, and a · 0 = 0, where a may be any number (integer).
In a modern way, zero can be called the identity element of the infinite Abelian additive group of integers. If in an integral domain a product is equal to zero, then at least one factor of the product is zero. In the second concept zero is the value of a variable for which a function is equal to zero.

zero also zero in
A totally insignificant person: cipher, nebbish, nobody, nonentity, nothing. Informal pip-squeak. Slang shrimp, zilch. See important/unimportant.
No thing; not anything: nil, nothing, null. Slang nix, zilch. Archaic aught. See absence.
phrasal verb - zero in
To move (a weapon or blow, for example) in the direction of someone or something: aim, cast, direct, head, level, point, set1, train, turn. Military lay1. See seek/avoid.
zero, that number which, when added to any number, leaves the latter unchanged; its symbol is 0. The introduction of zero into the decimal system was the most significant achievement in the development of a number system in which calculation with large numbers was feasible. Without it, modern astronomy, physics, and chemistry would have been unthinkable as we know them. The lack of such a symbol was one of the serious drawbacks of Greek mathematics. Its existence in the West is probably due to the Arabs, who, having obtained it from the Hindus, passed it on to European mathematicians in the latter part of the Middle Ages. The Maya of Central America and probably the Babylonians also invented zero. With the extension of the number system to negative as well as positive numbers, zero became the name for that position on the scale of integers between −1 and +1. It is used in this sense in speaking of zero degrees on the Fahrenheit and Celsius temperature scales; “absolute zero” is a term used by physicists and chemists to indicate the theoretically lowest possible temperature—a use reminiscent of zero as a symbol for nothing. Unlike other numbers, zero has certain special properties in connection with the four fundamental operations. By definition zero added to or subtracted from any number leaves the number unchanged. Any number multiplied by zero gives zero. Zero multiplied by or divided by any number (other than zero) is still zero. But division by zero is undefined; i.e., there is no number that is the value of a number divided by zero.
zero (complex analysis)
In complex analysis, a zero of a holomorphic function f is a complex number a such that f(a) = 0.
Multiplicity of a zero
A complex number a is a simple zero of f, or a zero of multiplicity 1 of f, if f can be written as
where g is a holomorphic function g such that g(a) is not zero.
Generally, the multiplicity of the zero of f at a is the positive integer n for which there is a holomorphic function g such that
Existence of zeros
The fundamental theorem of algebra says that every nonconstant polynomial with complex coefficients has at least one zero in the complex plane. This is in contrast to the situation with real zeros: some polynomial functions with real coefficients have no real zeros (but since real numbers are complex numbers, they still have complex zeros). An example is f(x) = x2 + 1.
An important property of the set of zeros of a holomorphic function (that is not identically zero) is that the zeros are isolated. In other words, for any zero of a holomorphic function , there is a small disc around the zero which contains no other zeros. There are also some theorems in complex analysis which show the connections between the zeros of a holomorphic (or meromorphic) function and other properties of the function. In particular Jensen's formula and Weierstrass factorization theorem are results for complex functions which have no counterpart for functions of a real variable.

ThE ENd.

Wednesday, 13 December 2006



I found out a long time ago what a woman can do for your soul. I’ve recently had some very strange female customers in my small clothing emporium, from the Isle of Wight. All had scarves on their heads and a funny look in their EYE. Deliver me from the EVIL that is the female shopper. I’m very bored. Not even an IT message to keep me company. When I’m bored now, I burn ants with matches and play mini-golf on my mobile phone. My best score is 25, in both activities. I want to know what the replica imitation Kane is doing at this moment, has the SPYdER sewn your fingers together with thick twine and barbed wire?
Have you been eaten by IT? Incarcerated in an ancient stone well by the SPYdER? Taken in an old blue Bedford van to Epping Forest and had your arms sawn off by THE OTHER?
Kane! Where are you? Are you drowning in a sea of fax machines, photocopiers, paperclips and biros?
Have they finally enlisted you to their ranks of dull semi- automated bar-coded assembly line freakoids? Is there still a small part of what was known as ‘Kane’ left?
Are you working at a small grey metal desk on the 17th floor of the MINISTRY OF HATE? Do you eat liquid food from a tube attached to your black suit? How does the new implant feel? Do you sleep standing up in a stainless steel pod? Do they allow you to exercise in the LARGE MOUSE CAGE?
Have you learned to operate the WHEEL?

I suspect that your life is no longer your, so that is why I have kept textual silence, I hope your new job is slightly more stimulating than your previous dull employment. What are your co-workers like? You KANE made me into a text junkie! You created me! I need my FIX! Where are you? I need to express the creative madness through the medium of the digital. As I stare at my list I see patterns. I hate the colours yellow and brown. I watch and wait. I listen and remember. Soon you will remember me again! I will plague you until you die a horrible death in some dirty back street in Frankfurt!

Wasting important male pastimes – wicked indolent male prostitutes – whore’s intelligent men prefer – women’s issues men’s prison – women invading mens privacy – women in merciless positions – wonderful icons of male preserve – the world institute of mens penises!


I hate old people which mean I will hate myself even more in 15 years time.
My aunt used to say ‘if you look at yourself in the mirror too long, you’ll see a monkey there.’
What I can see is far below the monkey, on the edge of the vegetable world, at the polyp level. I am afraid of towns and cities, but you mustn’t leave them. If you venture too far, you come to the vegetation belt. It is waiting. When the town dies, the vegetation will invade it, clamber over the stones, grip them, search them, and burst them with its long black pincers.

I have never rejected harmless emotions: far from it. In order to feel them, it is sufficient to be a little isolated, just enough to get rid of plausibility at the right moment. Should I remain close to people, on the surface of solitude, ready, in case of an emergency, to take refuge in their midst? Or forsake the safety net and immerse myself in silence of SELF?

I have no need to speak in flowery language. I am writing to understand certain circumstances. What really disgusts me is when I become sublime. When I was 20 I used to get drunk and then explain that I was a fellow in the style of Descartes. I let myself go, I enjoyed it. After that, the next day I felt disgusted as if I had woken in a bed full of vomit!

America brought you the HAMBURGER!

Be seeing you?